
Friday 6 November 2015


Stingrays are flapping fish without scales in the sea. They can breathe both water and air isn’t that amazing.
Stingrays have weird body features. Sometimes we can see them swimming coming up to land, flip in the air and many times under the sea hiding in the sea bed.

Stingrays have legs. Which  many of us do not know.  Why do stingrays have legs? Stingrays have legs and they are called claspers.  They are just a part that help them to swim.

This is the question everyone's asking about. Stingrays breathe both air and water under the sea. They breathe from their gills and spiracles which are special for stingrays.

Stingrays are only found in temperate seas or warm tropical waters. This is a better environment for them it is the best condition where they thrive in the warm tropics and temperate sea waters.

Their diet is carnivores which means they mainly eat meat such as crustaceans, fish, worms, sea snails, shrimp and shellfish.They have sharp jaw teeth which will allow them to crush these kind of food.

These facts are all about Stingrays and it tells everything all about it. They are creatures that swim in shallow water and very huge sea creatures that will amaze you.


  1. Hi Amanda,

    I love your Stingray report! I think you should make the font smaller. Other than that great work! I can't wait to see your next posts!

    From Mikayla

  2. Amanda, I like your Stingray story and all of the facts. I thought it was interesting that they can breathe both water and air.

  3. thanks savanna for commenting

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