My goals
Maths: I am confident in subtracting and adding tens and ones. I am also confident in learning the strategy right and understanding it very well. I can add hundreds to the 2 digit numbers and is very easy. But I need to be careful while doing the strategy.
I am working in Stage 5. I would like to do the strategy right and carefully with no mistake and learn a different strategy (not repeating the same strategy). I wish I could work with Mrs. Cochrane's class.
Where to next?
To learn more harder maths and move on to stage six so that I can move on I do not want to stay on the same stage I really need to move on. Learn more about fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing complex and hard numbers, decimal numbers, more on measurement problems- area, weight, length, volume, conversion, time and money, geometry and doing investigation in statistics.
I am confident in explaining and and adding more information to my work. I need to learn more vocab and making sure that each of my sentences makes sense. I need to proofread it before I post to my blog. I must always use paragraphs and put them in the right correct order. I am working on Stage 4B.
Making sure I proofread my work before publishing or posting. I need to put my work into paragraphs in the correct order to make sure I do not get mixed up with the first or second.
What to next?
I need to move my writing level up to 4A- achieve level 4. I should be able to proofread my work by myself by using interesting words. Make sure to write in paragraphs and add harder words to make my work interesting. So that I don’t need to use the same words because it is boring.